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Trove features a curated collection of vintage items, including primitive, industrial, mid century and 70s funkadelic. Trove also features items created by artisans, including textiles, candles, tabletop accessories, handbags, jewelry and more.

Quarantine Can-Do

Our online shop is coming along nicely. As you can see, we’ve upped our “new stuff” game. We’re fortunate that a few wholesalers we work with are providing special deals to retailers like Trove, so we can continue to offer a nice selection of items on our online shop. I know many of us are suffering during this very strange time. Business for many is slowed to a crawl and downsizing is the new normal. Spring is our busiest season, bigger than even the Holidays, so we continue to find new ways to provide an online shopping experience. Elizabeth is selling vintage items for pick up at her home in Rockford and the super team at Vintage Bliss in Beloit is selling items on behalf of vendors, like Trove, for curbside pick-up. We also signed up for , which is sponsored by a wholesale site that aggregates independent makers from all over the country. So I am delivering packages to doorsteps all over Chicago.

And, of course, we are trying to complete projects around the house but failing miserably. I am currently running 4 weeks behind on my household to-dos and Elizabeth and her husband Billy are having an underground drainpipe to their pool replaced. I started re-staging our bookshelves and my husband, Rick, said he loves it as is. He always says that. He and my son Finn are both Cancers so are homebodies and hate change. But perhaps I’ll do it anyway. We have way too many books and so much shit stacked and shoved on the shelves. But I also love that it doesn’t look like a staged shelf at Pottery Barn. It’s represents my little family. But it still needs some work.

Why Are You Thankful?

Why Are You Thankful?

Bah Humbug!